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More infoIn the course of conducting its business, Letiště Ostrava, a.s. gives top priority to environmental protection. With respect to the nature of our operations, there are a number of potential risks and threats to the environment, including those related to increased noise levels, higher levels of emissions, contamination of surface water as well as the production of waste. Letiště Ostrava, a.s. has directed its activities towards complying with all applicable environmental legislation. In this respect, the Company has made efforts to reduce the amount of waste through proper sorting and recycling, lower consumption of energy and utilities, as well as thorough use of environmentally friendly chemicals and materials.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
In 2010, just as in previous years, our top priority task was rigorous separation of individual types of municipal solid waste. As a matter of course, the waste is separated at the place of its origin and its individual types are further used as recyclable materials, e.g. glass, paper and metal. At the same time, all the waste components which may pose a threat to the environment are sorted out. Hence, the thorough separation process results in reducing the amount of waste and consequently in saving waste disposal costs. Letiště Ostrava, a.s. also produces hazardous waste which is generated in the course of providing routine services, maintenance and operations at the airport, e.g. by vehicular traffic.
The Company applies a system of collecting waste, e.g. discarded electrical equipment, fluorescent light tubes and oils. Such hazardous waste is transferred only to companies which guarantee that the waste disposal methods comply with current applicable environmental legislation.
In cooperation with the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic, Letiště Ostrava, a.s. has participated in disposing of waste classified as animal and plant by-products. In addition, Letiště Ostrava, a.s. activities are regularly monitored by the Regional Veterinary Authority. The regular inspections are conducted to determine compliance with statutory requirements pertaining to the handling of retained animal by-products. No deficiencies were identified during the inspections carried out in 2010.
Air Protection
Pursuant to Air Protection Act No. 86/2002 Coll. Letiště Ostrava, a.s. is classified as an operator of small and medium-sized sources of air pollution, specifically, boiler facilities for heating individual buildings. The heating medium used is natural gas. These air pollution sources are monitored and tested on a regular basis for emissions and the function of waste gas ducts. All the sources comply with the applicable environmental legislation. With respect to the advanced heating technologies used, none of the sources adversely affects the environment in a significant way.
Water Resources Management
All sewage water is treated at the new biological mechanical waste water treatment plant operated by Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s. (North Moravian Water Works and Sewerage, Ostrava). In 2010 construction of a new water supply conduit as well as construction of the Petřvald II water tower were completed. Subsequently, individual buildings administered by Letiště Ostrava, a.s. were connected to the water supply network, which resulted in an increased quality of the drinking water supplied. The quality of discharged rainwater collected from the runways, aprons and parking areas is monitored at regular intervals at the end devices – oil separators. The data from the regularly collected samples indicate that no leakage of harmful substances into watercourses occurs. Letiště Ostrava, a.s. pays extraordinary attention to the prevention of accidents that would degrade the quality of surface water, in particular, through strict adherence to proper procedures while storing and handling substances hazardous to water.
Letiště Ostrava, a.s. had a noise survey conducted on the impact of noise generated by aircraft on the surrounding environment. The survey indicates that imposing restrictions on
air operations and noise levels in the future will not be necessary. At the airport, only aircraft equipped with engines complying with the applicable EU regulations are allowed to take off and land. Exceptions are permitted by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic.
Where you can fly with us
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